Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What's Hot in 2011...Fabulous Food

Taken from Bridal Guide January/February 2011

     It's all about going local. According to Elizabeth Claire of WhoaNelly! Catering, "More people are getting excited and educated about food, and they're proud to say to guests that the food the serve is fresh from local markets." The right food at the right season is a must. In winter, Elizabeth loves braised short ribs and braised leeks. In spring, she'll pair a vegetable ragu with asparagus, and English peas with gorgeous spring lamb. Summer is the time to embrace grilling, or to select fish to pair with the fabulous veggies available. and fall is harvest time: perfect for roast pork with apple compote.
     Try a twist on a market menu. "I do a farmer's market-style cocktail party," says Sasha, "where guests can graze on the local, seasonal and fresh ingredients of the area."
     2011 will get whimsical with hors d'oeuvres. WhoaNelly! likes to offer shot glasses of Bloody Marys, with a grilled shrimp and cucumber wedge balanced on the side. "You can dip the shrimp into the Bloody Mary." Another adorable idea is mini bagel chips stacked with house-smoked salmon and mascarpone.
     Go retro with your late-night treats. "We're doing mojito push-up pops," says Olivier Cheng of Olivier Cheng Catering and Events. "When it comes to dessert you can have a little more fun with your choices."
     Sweets get sophisticated. While Mason jars of skittles and M&Ms are over, Elizabeth loves the idea of tray-passing handmade chocolates, such as caramels dipped in chocolate and sea salt, chocolate berry truffles, fudge dusted with sugar crystals or even mini chocolate bars from local candy companies. "It's a nice surprise, and such a sweet way to finish the night."

So What's Out This Year? "I'm over the whole cooking station thing," Elizabeth says. "You have people wandering around and balancing dishes, and there's no time spent at the table together to get acquainted or to catch up." Guests can't pay attention to the food, either, when they aren't seated. "And that defeats the whole purpose of a fabulous menu!" she notes. Olivier's pick for the trend that's had it's day is the over-the-top caviar bar. "People want luxury, but nothing so showy," he explains.

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